START Conference Manager    

Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring

ISDM 2011

Submission Page

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Title of Submission:  

List of Authors:

Please enter the complete list of authors for your submission, in the order in which they will appear on the abstract. You can add as many author slots as you want, to accommodate the total number of authors for your submission.

First name(s) Last name Email Affiliation

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Contact Information:

First name*
Last name*
       Affiliation Dept/Lab 
Zip/Postal Code*


Type (or cut-and-paste) a short abstract for your submission. You must enter plain text only.


Submit Full Paper:

Your submission must be in one of the following document formats:

  • Adobe PDF (pdf)
  • Microsoft Word (doc)
  • Microsoft Word (docx)
  • Rich Text (rtf)

The file's name should have the proper MIME extent associated with its document type. For example, a pdf file could have a name such as "mypaper.pdf".

Find the file containing your submission: 


Please use the list of topics below to characterize your submission. Check all categories that seem appropriate.

Monitoring Concepts for Static and Dynamic Deformations of Engineering and Geotechnical Structures
Geometrical, Deterministic and Non-Parametric Modelling of the Behaviour of Structures
Interdisciplinary Approaches for the Design and Analysis of Deformation Measurements
Innovative Concepts for Sensors and Methods
Multi-Sensor Systems and Sensor-Networks
Automation of Monitoring Measurements and Interpretation
Warning and Alert Systems
Applications in Geotechnical and Structural Engineering
Applications in Geosciences on Local and Regional Scales

START Conference Manager (V2.61.0 - Rev. 6250)