29th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design 2016

SBCCI 2016

Submission Page

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To make a new submission, please fill in the form below, and then press the submit button at the bottom.

Important: SBCCI 2016 is running a double-blind review process. In preparing your manuscript, do not include any information which could reveal your identity, or that of your co-authors. The title section of your manuscript should not contain any author names, email addresses, or affiliation status. If you do include any author names on the title page, your submission will be automatically rejected. In the body of your submission, you should eliminate all direct references to your own previous work. That is, avoid phrases such as "this contribution generalizes our results for XYZ". Also, please do not disproportionately cite your own previous work. In other words, make your submission as anonymous as possible. We need your cooperation in our effort to maintain a fair, double-blind reviewing process - and to consider all submissions equally.

Title of Submission:  

List of Authors:

Please enter the complete list of authors for your submission, in the order in which they will appear on the abstract. You can add as many author slots as you want, to accommodate the total number of authors for your submission.

First name(s) Last name Email Affiliation

More authors      Fewer authors

Contact Informaton:

First name*
Last name*
       Affiliation Dept/Lab 
Zip/Postal Code*

Conflicts of Interest:

Please identify all potential committee members and reviewers who should not review this submission, due to having a conflict of interest with you or any of your co-authors. It is crucial that you fill in this section as carefully as possible, and that you do so in consultation with all of your co-authors. For more information on how to determine your conflicts of interest, please see the author guidelines posted at the website for SBCCI.

Reviewer checklist: Please carefully examine the list of names below, and check-off any of the people who should not review this submission, due to a conflict of interest with one of the authors. (This also includes the names of any co-authors, if they appear below.)

 Luciano Agostini     André Luiz Aita     Janier Arias Garcia     Alfredo Arnaud   
 Mauricio Ayala-Rincón     Rodolfo Azevedo     Franck Badets     Tiago Roberto Balen   
 Sergio Bampi     Leonardo Bandeira Soares     Edna Barros     Matheus Beck Rutzig   
 Juergen Becker     Jean-Baptiste Begueret     Valeriu Beiu     Didier Belot   
 Mounir Benabdenbi     Serge Bernard     Ateet Bhalla     Alexsandro Bonatto   
 Vincent Bourguet     Alisson Brito     Leandro Buss Becker     Paulo Francisco Butzen   
 Jean Baptiste Bégueret     Ney Calazans     Antonio Carlos Beck     Benjamin Carrion Schafer   
 Jeronimo Castrillon     Yuri Catunda     Antonio Carlos Cavalcanti     Wang Chau   
 Mário Lúcio Cortes     Erika Cota     Paulo César Crepaldi     Carlos Cruz   
 Ana Isabela Cunha     Paulo Augusto Dal Fabbro     Dominique Dallet     Masoud Daneshtalab   
 Manoel Eusébio de Lima     Ricardo de Oliveira Duarte     Nathalie Deltimple     Yann Deval   
 Carlos Alberto dos Reis Filho     Fortunato Carlos Dualibe     Jean-Max Dutertre     Eric Fabris   
 Paulo César Farias     Laurent Fesquet     Rafaella Fiorelli     Paulo Flores   
 Martha Johanna Florez     Marie-Lise Flottes     Luiz Franca-Neto     Antoine Frappé   
 Raimundo Carlos Freire     Carlo Galuzzi     Alberto Garcia Ortiz     Alessandro Girardi   
 Diana Goeh­rin­ger     José Antonio Gomes de Lima     Janaina Goncalves Guimaraes     Oscar Gouveia   
 José Luís Güntzel     Ian Harris     Reiner Hartenstein     Michael Hübner   
 Leandro Indrusiak     Ricardo Jacobi     Ahmed Jerraya     Fernanda Kastensmidt   
 Eric Kerherve     Peter Kinget     Hamilton Klimach     Márcio Kreutz   
 Raafat Lababidi     Frederic Le Roy     Bernardo Leite     Djones Vinicius Lettnin   
 Shuai Li     Eduardo Lima     Robson Lima     Julien Lintignat   
 Arthur Liraneto Torres Costa     Carlos Llanos     Luis Lolis     Antonio Lopez-Martin   
 Tsung-Chuan Ma     Heider Marconi     Letícia Maria Bolzani Pöhls     Andre Mariano   
 Felipe Marques     Norian Marranghello     Jose Silva Martinez     Peter Marwedel   
 Denis Masliah     Trent McConaghy     Stephane Meillere     Cristina Meinhardt   
 Marcos Menezes Vieira     Luiz Filipe Menezes Vieira     Maria Michael     Antonio Miele   
 Davies Monteiro     José Monteiro     Fernando Moraes     Antonio Carlos Moreirao Queiroz   
 Edward David Moreno     Daniel Mauricio Muñoz Arboleda     José Augusto Nacif     Rajeev Narayanam   
 David Novo     Nobuo Oki     Wagner Oliveira     Luciano Ost   
 Omar Paranaiba Vilela Neto     Marcelo Pavanello     Volnei Pedroni     Mônica Pereira   
 Antonio Petraglia     Maurine Philippe     Christian Pilato     Murilo Pilon Pessatti   
 Tales Pimenta     Calvin Plett     Julian Pontes     Marcelo Porto   
 Rodrigo Possamai Bastos     Miodrag Potkonjak     Mohammadreza Pourakbar     Cesar Prior   
 William Prodanov     Costas Psychalinos     Wenceslas Rahajandraibe     Fernando Rangel   
 Wenjing Rao     Ricardo Reis     André Reis     Michel Renovell   
 Achim Rettberg     Renato Ribas     Sandro Rigo     François Rivet   
 Cesar Rodrigues     Edson Santana     Organizers SBCCI 2016     Márcio Schneider   
 Donatella Sciuto     Olivier Sentieys     Ivan Silva     Abel Silva-Filho   
 Fernando Silveira     Carlos Fernando Soares     Matteo Sonza Reorda     Paul Sotiriadis   
 Paul Sotiriadis     Cleonilson Souza     Altamiro Susin     Theocharis Theocharides   
 Dirk Timmermann     Frank Torres     Fabian Vargas     Rémy Vauche   
 Yoan Veyrac     Sara Vinco     Kazutoshi Wakabayashi     Chao Wang   
 Marco Aurélio Wehrmeister     Gilson Wirth     Hans Joachim Wunderlich     Jason Xue   
 Jones Yudi Mori da Silva     Bruno Zatt     Cesar Albenes Zeferino   

Additional conflicts: The committee may call on external reviewers to help evaluate your submission. These reviewer names may not appear in the list above. Therefore, we also request that you identify any other conflicts of interest you can think of. Specifically, you should list anybody you know of who works in an area related to SBCCI, and who has a conflict of interest with either you or one of your co-authors. (You do not need to include your own author names in this list.)

First name Last name Email Affiliation

More Conflicts      Fewer Conflicts

Submission Category:

Please enter the category under which the submission should be reviewed.

Subject Area:  


Type (or cut-and-paste) a short abstract for your submission. You must enter plain text only.


Submit Paper:

Your submission must be in Adobe PDF (pdf) format, and the file name should end with the appropriate MIME extent (i.e., "pdf".). For example, your file could have a name such as "mypaper.pdf".

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