START Conference Manager    

Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (DEVS'10)

DEVS 2010

Submission Page

To revise a previous submission, please type in its passcode below, and press the ENTER button.


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To make a new submission, please fill in the form below, and then press the submit button at the bottom.

Title of Submission:  

List of Authors:

Please enter the complete list of authors for your submission, in the order in which they will appear on the abstract. You can add as many author slots as you want, to accommodate the total number of authors for your submission.

First name(s) Last name Email Affiliation

More authors      Fewer authors

Contact Information:

First name*
Last name*
       Affiliation Dept/Lab 
Zip/Postal Code*

Conflicts of Interest:

Please identify all potential committee members and reviewers who should not review this submission, due to having a conflict of interest with you or any of your co-authors. It is crucial that you fill in this section as carefully as possible, and that you do so in consultation with all of your co-authors. For more information on how to determine your conflicts of interest, please see the author guidelines posted at the website for DEVS.

Reviewer checklist: Please carefully examine the list of names below, and check-off any of the people who should not review this submission, due to a conflict of interest with one of the authors. (This also includes the names of any co-authors, if they appear below.)

 Marilton Aguiar     Michele Amoretti     Simone Andre da Costa Cavalheiro     Fernando Barros   
 Andrea Bracciali     Lisane Brisolara     Roberto Bruni     Hector Cancela   
 C. Cassandras     aline cauvin     F. Cellier     A. Chow   
 M. Cristia     Olivier Dalle     A. DAmbrogio     Pedro R. DArgenio   
 Juan de Lara     S. Dormido     Paulo Ferreira     JB Filippi   
 Luciana Foss     C. Frydman     Michele Fumarola     N. Giambiasi   
 Roberto Guanciale     Gerson H. Cavalheiro     Olaf Hagendorf     R. Heckel   
 J. Himmelspach     Dan Hirsch     Luc Hogie     X. Hu   
 T. Hunt     Moon Ho Hwang     Mo Jamshidi     TG Kim   
 Doohwan Kim     Ernesto Kofman     Y. Labiche     Julio C. B. Mattos   
 Juan-Carlos Maureira     Hernán Melgratti     Daniela Micucci     S. Mittal   
 Julian Monteiro     P. Mosterman     Lisandru Muzy     G. Nicolescu   
 Libero Nigro     Lewis Ntaimo     J. Nutaro     T. Pawletta   
 Dorina Petriu     S. Pllana     E. Ramat     Judicael Ribault   
 José L. Risco-Martín     Ferat sahin     H. Sarjoughian     M. Seck   
 Taisy Silva Weber     Daniele Strollo     Nora Szasz     Andreas Tolk   
 Mamadou Traoré     K. Trivedi     E. Tronci     E. Tuosto   
 M. Törngren     L. Uhrmacher     Alfonso Urquia     H. Vangheluwe   
 Alexander Verbraeck     N. Vijaykumar     E. Vilani     Gabriel Wainer   
 Yujing Wu     L. Yilmaz     Greg Zacharewicz     F Zanichelli   
 B. Zeigler     Ahmet Zengin   

Additional conflicts: The committee may call on external reviewers to help evaluate your submission. These reviewer names may not appear in the list above. Therefore, we also request that you identify any other conflicts of interest you can think of. Specifically, you should list anybody you know of who works in an area related to DEVS, and who has a conflict of interest with either you or one of your co-authors. (You do not need to include your own author names in this list.)

First name Last name Email Affiliation

More Conflicts      Fewer Conflicts

Submission Category:

Please enter the category under which the submission should be reviewed.



Type (or cut-and-paste) a short summary for your submission. You must enter plain text only.


Submit Paper:

Your submission must be in one of the following document formats:

  • Adobe PDF (pdf)
  • Microsoft Word (doc)
  • Microsoft Word (docx)

The file's name should have the proper MIME extent associated with its document type. For example, a pdf file could have a name such as "mypaper.pdf".

Find the file containing your submission: 


Please use the list of topics below to characterize your submission. Check all categories that seem appropriate.

DEVS modeling methodology
Hybrid system modeling
Integration of formalisms
Formal analysis and symbolic reasoning
Model Checking
Graph Transformations
Activity paradigm
DEVS parallel & distributed simulators
Web services
M&S Engineering
M&S-Based development methods
Military systems and infrastructures
Real-time and embedded systems
High performance computing
Software-intensive/networked systems
Transportation and traffic systems
Ecological and environmental systems
Tools and libraries

START Conference Manager (V2.61.0 - Rev. 6414)