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The 5th ACM Workshop on Recurring Malcode

WORM 2007

Submission Page

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To make a new submission, please fill in the form below, and then press the submit button at the bottom.

Title of Submission:  

List of Authors:

Please enter the complete list of authors for your submission, in the order in which they will appear on the abstract. You can add as many author slots as you want, to accommodate the total number of authors for your submission.

First name(s) Last name Email Institution

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Contact Information:

First name*
Last name*
       Affiliation Dept/Lab 
Mail Code 
Street Address 
Zip/Postal Code*

Submission Category:

Please enter the category under which the submission should be reviewed.

Submission Type:  


Type (or cut-and-paste) a short ASCII abstract for your submission. It should not include the author/title information, which was already entered above. You must enter plain ASCII text only, and you may not exceed 300 words.


Submit Paper:

Your submission must be in Adobe PDF (pdf) format, and the file name should end with the appropriate MIME extent (i.e., "pdf".). For example, your file could have a name such as "mypaper.pdf". If desired, the file may also be compressed in any standard format, with MIME extent corresponding to the compression type (eg., pdf.gz for a gzipped pdf file, etc.).

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Please use the list of topics below to characterize your submission. Check all categories that seem appropriate.

Automatic malcode detection
Malicious code characterization
Botnet detection and disruption
Malcode reverse engineering
Modeling and analysis of propagation dynamics
Forensic methods of attribution
Threat assessment
Reactive countermeasures
Proactive malware defenses
Significant operational experiences
Measurement studies
New threats and related challenges

START Conference Manager (V2.61.0 - Rev. 6300)